Confessed ‘Sugar Addict’ Reports …

“I lost 58 pounds by doing … nothing.”

“It sucks being the “Fat Mom.”  But when you’re addicted to sugar like I was ... Even getting fat and feeling ashamed didn’t stop me from eating more of it.” 

“Luckily, this 9-second, scientifically-proven Sugar Eraser secret I use every day saved me from a lifetime of embarrassing moments like the one below.”

If you’re a hopeless sugar addict like I was …

Who has the extra pounds to prove it.

I urge you to read my very personal story below and see how I saved myself and thousands of others like us with a powerful “sugar eraser” that banishes sugar from your body …

BEFORE it can turn into more ugly fat.

Now, I’ll never forget what was absolutely the last straw for me. That exact moment when I hit rock bottom, and had my soul absolutely crushed.

Body of water

Here’s what happened …

I’m a paralegal at a law firm in Dallas. And we were at a summer party for the staff and our families at my boss’ house.

When we got there, I first went to add my cheese dip and crackers we brought to the appetizer table … But then …

My eyes caught sight of the long desert table a few feet away. And oh boy ... I felt like a desperate crack addict!

My pupils dilated, and my heart started pounding.

So with no one else nearby, I rushed over to the table loaded with frosted cakes, giant cookies, donuts, chocolate brownies and 4 different kinds of cheesecake.

My mouth literally started watering. And because I’m always “trying to diet,” I was starving, in addition to having a wicked, out-of-control sugar addiction.

So I was launched into the stratosphere of “gotta-have-it-now!”

I lost control, and quickly grabbed a chocolate frosted donut in one hand, and a giant chocolate brownie in the other … And took a monster bite.

MMMMMMM... Oh God… it was like a hit of pure sugary pleasure and ecstasy!I just stood there with my eyes closed, chewing and savoring the sugar rush.

And that’s when it happened ...

I looked up, and out over the crowded family room at my coworkers, and their spouses and kids who were mingling. The room had gone silent, and more than half of them were staring directly at me … Standing there all alone at the dessert table.

Most were smirking, and many of them were on the verge of laughing out loud at me.

And I’m sure it was quite the scene to take in … Fatty mcbutter pants, the office “Big Girl” was double-fisting deserts like a starving child.

It was laughable, and pathetic, and I knew it.

I was mortified.  I turned beet red and started sweating profusely.

I hated being in the spotlight like that, exposing my weakness to everyone.

And even worse, when I finally found my husband’s face in the crowd, hoping for some comfort…

What I saw made the situation even worse …

The look in Tom’s eyes was of shame and embarrassment.

It was terrible.

BUT at the same time… That’s also how my journey here to you started.

Hi, I’m Darcy, and yes, I have a sugar problem.  Actually I have a BIG sugar problem.

Well, let’s just call it what it is… A sugar addiction.

And a blood sugar problem… which made me fat.

But, I doubt – whether you’re a man or woman – that you’re anywhere as big as I was…

Body of water

Before I found a simple, 9-second morning ritual that made my body immune to sugar … Which lowered my blood sugar levels, and helped me lose 58 pounds.

Body of water

And the crazy part is…These changes took place for me no matter WHAT I ate.

Plus, I didn’t change my diet or take any medication, even though that’s the popular thing to do today.

I’m sure you’ve heard people talking about these popular blood sugar drugs like Wegovy, Ozempic and Semaglutide …

Even though they’re loaded with side effects, and can cost up to $400 a month.

But that won’t matter for you. Because I can show you how to get the same slimming effects …

And also kick your sugar addiction and cravings, lower your high blood sugar, and get your weight gain under control…  Without a single side effect.

Can you even imagine how amazing would it be to actually eat sweets and still lower your blood sugar.  So that the sugar you eat, did NOT turn into ugly fat that bulked up your body and made you feel self-conscious about it.

You could literally eat cookies for breakfast, ice cream for lunch, chocolate cake for dinner, and wash it down with your favorite soda …

And your body would still quickly deal with all that blood sugar, burn away extra fat, improve your cholesterol, and strengthen your heart.

Now, I’m not saying it’s a good idea for you, me or anyone to eat like that. But what I have to share is so powerful that it’s 100% possible.

I know because I used it to drop 58 pounds without giving up sugar.

Scientists from the University of Copenhagen discovered this hidden sugar eraser when they studied a special group of Native Greenlanders.

These Greenlanders – male and female – not only love to eat sugary treats like rich vanilla custard with macaroons, but also pizza piled high with cheese, greasy pepperoni, sausage and bacon …

Plus, coffee topped off with whiskey, kahlua, grand marnier and heavy cream. Not to mention beer, sausages, cured meats, baguettes, sugared cereal, ice cream, chocolate, and pasta.

However, unlike me, these foods did NOT spike their blood sugar or cause weight gain hardly at all.

Which means, despite their fat, sugar and carb-filled diet, they don’t have fat packed around their hips, thighs, belly or bottom.

They just stay thin – without working at it or eating super healthy. 


And their doctors verified their low triglycerides and cholesterol levels.

This discovery, made by The University of Copenhagen in Denmark, which is like the European version of Harvard, not only paved the way for me, but also for thousands of others who are caught up in today’s sugar epidemic.

An epidemic that is NOT your fault.  In fact, it’s something you can’t stop no matter how hard you tried.

But you CAN fight back.


You see, it’s the fault of food manufacturers who overload literally everything you eat with tons of added sugar.

In her book, Added Sugars - The Slow Poison – Srividya Bhaskara, PhD says… “You will be shocked to know that of the 6 Million food products in the American food supply, almost 74% of food products contain added sugars like: HFCS, AGAVE NECTAR.”

It’s crazy

Besides the obvious sugar loaded snacks, candy and desserts … you name it … juice, bread, spaghetti sauce, yogurt, cereal, chips, granola ... is all loaded with a lethal amount of sugar.

Why? Because we LOVE sugar!  So food manufacturers add more than necessary, so when we eat it, it lights up our brain receptors and make us want more.

Which makes what I’m about to share with you even more important…

Because this simple, 9-second morning ritual makes you immune to unhealthy, high- sugar foods, just like the native Greenlanders in the study. 

This ritual gave me my life back!

And it’s now done the same for thousands of others with high blood sugar and extra fat that they hate. 

This science has also since been confirmed by Cambridge University, the University of San Antonio, and an elite research team from China. 

So I know it will work for you …

Even if you have unbearable sugar cravings like I did. 

The kind that makes you want to eat every sweet you see. 

It’ll work even if you can’t stick to a healthy diet. 

It’ll work if you’re a failed, “yo-yo” dieter like me. 

It’ll work if you’re in your 20s, 40s, 60’s or 70’s. 

It’ll work even if you’ve been told it’s too late, your pancreas is dead, and your body no longer responds to insulin to manage your blood sugar ...

And that you will die fat.


This 9-second ritual has already worked for over 12,000 people.

These are people who struggled with unfair blood sugar overload and weight gain for decades

And the reason it works for so many people with a blood sugar imbalance -- no matter their age, background, or complications they’ve had -- is because it addresses the actual root cause of high blood sugar.

This is something scientists didn’t even know about until they stumbled on those Native Greenlanders. 

Their secret lets them eat any food, in any amount, no matter how unhealthy and still have perfect blood sugar levels, and a metabolism that torches fat from their food …And ugly fat from their body.

After I learned their secret, and addressed the root cause of my own high blood sugar and impossible cravings, my doctor was pleased to see my sky-high blood sugar numbers went down... Along with the 58 pounds I lost.

I also cut my coffee from 4 cups … And 8 teaspoons of sugar … a day ... To just 1 cup, with only a dash of cream and sprinkle sugar.

I regained the energy and body size I had in my 20’s. 

I also recently hiked nearly 10 miles with ease! 

My whole life had changed. 

My relationship with my kids is better, because now I have 10 times the energy to play with them.And I can actually get down on the floor to play at their level!

My marriage is better too because I’m not always complaining about my weight, hiding my fat body from Tom, or feeling depressed because of how I look.

And it’s why I want to share this with you.  Because you can experience all this too. 


You can reverse your blood sugar problem in a matter of weeks with this simple ritual, and return to normal levels ...

Without counting calories, cutting sugar and carbs, or eating nothing but grilled chicken breast and steamed broccoli. 

So your body can deal with your high sugar diet like it should, instead of letting it become jiggly fat that hangs awkwardly on your body.

As I mentioned, this solution is like all the prescription drugs you see everyone using today.

If you didn’t know, those drugs are NOT weight loss drugs, they started as blood sugar regulating drugs for diabetics.

And now they’re helping people drop weight like crazy by improving their blood sugar management. But of course, like with any drug, they come with serious side effects.

Which is why what I found is so much better!

You see, what scientists discovered in 2021 after studying those native Greenlanders, who could eat anything they want, and never have issues with their blood sugar or weight gain...

Is that high blood sugar doesn’t work exactly like we thought. It has little to do with eating lots of carbs or sugar. 

And has nothing to do with your sensitivity to insulin.  

It’s all about having high levels of a single enzyme. And if your levels of this enzyme I'm about to tell you about are too high, your body will be flooded with sugar nonstop.

Which quickly stores it as fat.


But thanks to this 9-second ritual… You can stop this enzyme, and prevent the flood of sugar into your body.

So even when you eat Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, or sour cream and onion potato chips, your blood sugar doesn’t spike, and stays at normal levels. 

Which means donuts, fries, lasagna, chicken alfredo, and ice cream are back on the menu! 

Yes, once you understand why high blood sugar gets that way, and how to stop it …You’ll be set free! 

You won’t feel like a criminal every time you even think of eating your favorite foods. 

You’ll be free from the unbearable sugar cravings that swamp every attempt you’ve made to lose weight and improve your health.  And free from the shame you feel every time you see yourself in the mirror. And free from people judging how you look.

Now, after hearing that, you may be skeptical. Especially if you've tried other things, and nothing has worked for you. 

If you've tried keto … intermittent fasting and working out, and found it impossible to stick to ... or did nothing to help you ... Then I urge you to keep reading ...

Because this 9-second ritual works even if you’ve had type 2 diabetes for the last 3 decades …

And even if you crave sugar and pack on extra pounds of fat because of it. 

Because it is advanced science that battles against today’s high-sugar diet.


And I promise you, my situation was about as bad as it can be.  So I can say, with confidence, you’ll be able to normalize your blood sugar, and ignite a fat-burning inferno in your body instantly. 

You’ll effortlessly go down one, two, three, or even five dress sizes. And you’ll smile every time you see a lower number on your scale. 

All because of this trick that turns off the enzyme flooding your body with sugar. 

You see, I had been a skinny girl all through college and paralegal school.

When Tom and I got married, my wedding dress was a size 4! But after 2 kids, 10 years, a slowing metabolism, constant snacking, and a stressful job … It all did a number on my body.

And yes, somewhere along I developed a wicked sugar addiction. Way worse than I ever had as a kid or teenager!

This is crazy, but I recently learned that “Sugar addiction” is 100% real, and happens because our brain pathways respond to natural rewards like sugar ...

Which is just like an addictive drug! 


Yes, sugar releases opioids and dopamine that gets us totally hooked.  

And that was me.  I was hooked. Call it stress eating, or whatever, I just craved sugar and snacks all day.

And I could see it was making me fat, and taking a major toll on my health. The sugar and snacks gave me a quick sugar and carb high, but soon after I felt awful.

Yet still … I wanted to eat every sugary item I saw. I would go to bed fantasizing about sipping a cold Dr. Pepper and eating a Snickers bar!

I shouldn’t have been, but I was shocked when my doctor told me I was prediabetic. My blood sugar levels had gone through the roof. 

And my blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides had become a danger to my heart. And to top it off, I’d gained 60 pounds! I couldn’t believe it!

Because… as it turned out, I had too much of that special enzyme that floods your body with sugar. 

So as long as that issue was there, it wouldn't matter how low I cut my carbs … How much I exercised … How many hours I fasted … Or how many diet supplements I took …

My situation would only get worse. 

The good news is, you can bring down levels of this enzyme, so your body is no longer flooded with high blood sugar.

And once that happens, you can eat the foods you want - even sugary sweets … Without guilt, weight gain, or spiking your blood sugar.

So if your blood sugar is through the roof like mine was, even to the point that the nerves in your feet are getting damaged … And you’ve noticed the circulation in your legs is getting bad ... Feeling tingling, burning, pins and needles, numbness or pain … You MUST pay attention to what I’m about to tell you because it could even save your life.

You see, that documentary I mentioned … about a small village in Greenland that only has 453 people in it, and that you can only get to by helicopter ... Was eye-opening for many reasons.

But the most interesting thing about the people there is their diet.  It’s so cold, they can’t grow anything in Greenland. So except for what they hunt. Everything is imported. 

So they eat a LOT of foods that you and I have been told are unhealthy ... Like sausages and cured meats, baguettes, cereal, pasta, chocolate, ice cream and beer.

However, scientists noticed something strange... 

Everyone in the village – even the elders in their 80’s and 90’s – ate what they wanted all the time …And stayed perfectly healthy. 


It was because of this secret that is so powerful, that it can begin to knock down your blood sugar, your cravings, and your body fat in just 5 days.

You see, scientists had studied these people for almost 60 years, because they’re some of the healthiest people on earth. 

As healthy as people in other ultra-healthy “Blue zones” like Sardinia, Costa Rica, and Okinawa - where people regularly live to be 100, or older.  Except, they did NOT eat a typical, super-healthy Blue zone diet.

So for years, researchers didn’t know how they could be so healthy.  Then, one of the most prestigious universities in Denmark published a study with the answer:

These Greenlanders digest sugar differently than everyone else on Earth.

So when they eat frozen pizza, Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream, and big slices of lasagna … It doesn’t spike their blood sugar. 

They don’t gain fat.  Their arteries remain clear and their hearts remain strong.  And their blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, all stay in a healthy range. The reason is simple:


These Greenlander’s DON’T produce that special enzyme that’s responsible for creating blood sugar.

For reasons no one understands, their bodies just don’t make it. That's why they can eat any food and still be healthy.

That’s right, unlike you and me, nothing affected their blood sugar. 

That's why, for us, even just 1 piece of toast can send our glucose into the stratosphere.

As long as this enzyme remains in your body, your food is continuously broken down into sugar that spikes your glucose levels – and then gets packed onto your body as fat.

And when this happens year-after-year, that constant flood of sugar will eventually cause your beta cells to stop working…

Which is bad. Because Beta cells are the cells that make insulin, so you can control the level of glucose in your blood. And when your cells become resistant to insulin, your metabolism takes a dive. 

This process was confirmed by two different studies... 

The first study looked at 4,000 people in Greenland. Half were the Inuits who did not have this enzyme. And the other half were like you and me, who did have it. 

Both groups had the same diet, and did the same amount of exercise.  However, the Greenlanders without this enzyme had less belly fat, had less triglycerides, less bad cholesterol, better blood pressure, and most important to you …

They had lower insulin resistance, which produced lower blood sugar numbers.  On the other hand …

The people like you and me, with high levels of this enzyme had diabetes … weighed more, had more fat around their hips, thighs, and belly, and struggled to keep weight off. 

Not to mention their blood pressure was higher, and they had more harmful triglycerides and cholesterol.

This all proved that this single enzyme was at the root of high blood sugar, and weight gain problems.

I also found a mouse study, where they had two groups of mice eat a high-fat, high-carb diet. Half these mice were born like the native Greenlanders, without this enzyme. The other half were like you and me, with high levels of this enzyme. 

They had these mice eat a high-fat, high-carb diet. Which is similar to you and me eating McDonald's every day, and the same thing happened ... The ones without this enzyme were leaner, healthier, with lower blood sugar numbers … just like the native Greenlanders.


So what is this harmful, blood sugar-spiking enzyme… It’s called Sucrase. 

Which means the solution to your sugar addiction, high blood sugar and weight gain is this simple ... Get rid of sucrase.

As long as you have high levels of Sucrase, the food you eat will convert to sugar, and that sugar will flood your body and make you fat. 

So now the question you may have is ...“Well, how do you get rid of Sucrase…”

And I have an exciting answer for you that I discovered, and will reveal in a minute! But first …

If you’re also wondering, “How the heck do you know this, Darcy?”

Like I said, I work at a law firm as a trained and experienced paralegal.  So my work is ALL about research. And I’m very good at it.

I can research anyone under the table! Yes, I’m a research queen.  I find what others say can’t be found.

So when I found out that sucrase is at the heart of my very frustrating problem, I did what I do best ... With true crusader, woman-on-a-mission, Erin Brockovich passion, I went looking for a solution for myself.

And as it turns out…

Scientists from the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands found a way to completely flush sucrase out of your body...

That’s right, they discovered a plant compound called L-Arabinose, which is the natural enemy of Sucrase. When you eat it, L-arabinose binds to sucrase enzymes and prevents them from breaking food down into sugar. 

It’s just like, “Poof” … sugar disappears.  

Simply put: L-arabinose prevents sucrase from doing its job. 

And when that happens, the constant and dangerous overflow of sugar into your blood is stopped. 


To prove this was the case, they conducted a famous research study... During this trial, they had 20 men and women drink a glass of pure sugar water.  But half of the group was also given a capsule of L-Arabinose.

The people who only drank the sugar water responded as you’d imagine, their blood sugar shot through the roof, and their insulin levels spiked by 600%. 

And their bodies naturally started to deal with this overload by quickly turning the excess sugar into fat. But the group who took L-arabinose, their blood sugar only rose 25% compared to the other group.  And their insulin only went up 13% compared to the other group. 

Which is an absolutely amazing contrast!

And it gave me so much hope! Because I was one step closer to solving this puzzle.Then, I found a second study, this one reported by Cambridge University. They also reported near identical results as the team from the Netherlands. 

But I was so excited, I didn’t stop there…

Body of water

I kept digging and found yet a third study!  This one came from the original Netherlands research team.

Because despite their initial success, those Dutch researchers had some doubts that it could be that simple and powerful. 

That L-arabinose could really obliterate sugar, and reduce a glass of sugar water to almost nothing.

So they decided to ramp it up and have the people in the study eat a regular meal with fats, starches, and protein.  Which is more realistic than just drinking a glass of sugar water.

But… L-arabinose worked its magic in this study too!  They had 23 people drink a glass of sugar water …PLUS … eat starches like potatoes and pasta … And fats like olive oil and red meat. 

And once again, no matter what they ate, L-arabinose killed sucrase, and prevented the expected spike in blood sugar and insulin.

In fact, they found that L-arabinose cut the insulin response by half. And their glucose didn’t spike like the other group either. 

At this point, I was already convinced I needed to find a way to get L-arabinose into my body.But … You guessed it, I found one more study... One that also proved L-arabinose would work perfectly in the real world.

Chinese researchers conducted this test… Where they had 43 people eat their normal diet. But half of them took L-arabinose, and half didn’t.

The results were 100% solid and conclusive … Those who took L-arabinose lost weight, burned away fat, had better fasting blood sugar, better blood pressure, lower triglycerides, and lower cholesterol. 

Again, these were real people, with normal lives.

They worked real jobs ... 

Struggled with exercise. 

And were victims of the over-sugared world we live in today. 

And L-arabinose worked for them! 

Their metabolism was set on fire so that they effortlessly lost pound after pound … 

Their waists got smaller and smaller … 

They looked and felt better.

Week after week, L-arabinose worked its magic to improve their health. 

So, now that I had a clear direction to head in with L-arabinose. I needed to figure out how to get some.


So I quickly used my special skillset to become an expert on L-arabinose.

Plus, I began to track down some other ingredients I found that were shown to enhance the effects of L-arabinose.

Now, I thought this would be easy. But little did I know how hard it is to find a high-quality source of L-arabinose and the other natural ingredients I needed.

Those I did find at grocery stores, specialty health stores and Amazon were mostly cheap, low-quality, synthetic versions of the ingredients I needed. 

But I knew if I wanted the same miraculous study results, I needed to find the same natural, high-quality forms and doses from the studies.

Which I finally did. But it took me about a month, and over a hundred phone calls on my time off.

I called health clinics across the country looking for any kind of supplement that contained a potent, clean, clinical dose of L-arabinose, and the other compounds I identified to make it work even better. 

I finally got these compounds delivered to my home.  And this may sound crazy, but I hand measured out the exact amount of each ingredient and spent hours at night and on several weekends filling 200 tiny capsules. 

Then I took 1 capsule a day, just like in the successful 6-month study. 

I felt nothing the first few days.

But I had tons of hope!

Then on day 3, my home-made formula did its magic. 

And that was the moment I realized just how BAD I had felt. 

Normally, it was no secret that I felt physically and mentally exhausted … all day … To the point I couldn’t function without 4 or 5 cups of coffee. 

It was normal to feel sick and nauseous after meals. usually because I ate too much.

But on that 3rd day I woke up and felt energetic!  I went to work, and my mind was sharp, and my thoughts were clear. 

I wasn’t tempted at all by the break room, which is always loaded with at least 2 dozen different sugary snacks delivered by Costco every week. 

For the first time in years, the cravings to eat them were gone! 

With sugar not affecting my body, for the first time in years I felt GREAT! And here’s the best part …


After the first week I lost 3 pounds without eating bland, tasteless foods … Or killing myself on a treadmill.

By the second week it was 7 pounds. Then I was up to 12 … then 19 then 32!

I began to get comments about my clothes being too big for me. People would ask what I’d been doing … “Is it weight watchers? Keto? Did you go paleo?”

I laughed when I heard this. Because, with almost no effort, my metabolism raged like a red hot inferno that burned up every calorie - from any source - like jet fuel. 

I was slimming down rapidly.  And at my next visit, my doctor confirmed my A1c was not just back to normal … He said it was one of the healthiest blood sugar numbers among his patient's with blood sugar struggles. 

I’d lost a total of 58 pounds of stubborn fat, and dropped 6 dress sizes. 

And the tingling and burning in my right foot had disappeared. 

My homemade formula was working like a charm!

It took all the excess sugar out of my body instead of being overwhelmed by it, and turning it into fat. And it also put the damper on my crazy sugar cravings.

Now, maybe you’re one of the people who together spend about $61 billion a year on blood sugar medication. That may sound crazy.  But yes, big pharma companies rake in BILLIONS … by NOT curing you. They want to keep you on their expensive medication forever! 

In fact, the doctor’s ONLY solution for this massive problem is to give you a chemical drug with definite side effects.

Their drugs will take you out of the danger zone … But also keep you dependent for life. You’ll be squeezed tighter and tighter with rising prices.

Call me crazy, but this seemed criminal to me.  And I knew there was a better way.

After my initial home test, I decided this was important enough to help everyone I could.But I knew I couldn’t hand fill millions of capsules myself for the millions of people who needed them. 

Luckily, Tom was behind me 100%. Because he saw how it completely transformed my life. I was so much happier and healthier!

He had a contact from college that owned a state-of-the-art, FDA-approved U.S. lab that makes high-quality natural health products.  They loved what I had put together so far, and were excited to partner with us …

They also said that they’d never seen anything like it. So we took some money we had saved up and placed a bulk order for our ingredients. Then the lab assembled, tested, and produced a large quantity of high quality, inexpensive capsules.


And that is how Glucea was born!

Now my “homemade formula” has helped thousands of people like you. It’s so simple… Just take a single capsule before your first meal each morning.

Then, your sucrase will be turned off for the day.  The food you eat will no longer flood your body with dangerous levels of sugar. 


Glucea is the only all-natural formula that helps inhibit sucrase to support healthy blood sugar levels.

Which leads to a ton of other benefits too... 

It helps with inflammation to relieve aches and pains. 

It promotes healthy blood flow and circulation... 

It targets the deficiencies that cause neuropathy and nerve issues in your hands, legs and feet. 

And it helps fire-up your metabolism to rapidly melt weight caused by high blood sugar. 

Now, I know that’s a lot. But I stand as living proof that it works.

And now, thousands of others have also experienced their own transformation. Because the ingredients in Glucea work together to make it happen. 

I already told you about the incredible power of L-Arabinose – that turns off sugar’s effect on you.  And how, all by itself, it can lower your insulin response by as much as 83% ... 

And lower blood sugar spikes by 75% ... Simply by inhibiting sucrase enzymes, so your food is no longer broken down into harmful sugar. 

And instead of flooding your pancreas, kidneys, and arteries, and turning into ugly fat... Sugar passes harmlessly out of your body.

That’s what makes L-arabinose so powerful. It turns off sucrase, and turns off the faucet flooding your body with sugar. 

Now, I found out that L-Arabinose can come from a few different plants. But to ensure the maximum effect on the sucrase in your body… We went the extra mile and sourced the most specialized form of L-Arabinose. 

This all-natural, high-quality, proprietary form of l-arabinose, called Sukre, works even better to inhibit sucrase.

That’s because it’s harvested from a plant that gives it maximum polyphenols and l-arabinose density. 

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. When I did my search, I came across another ingredient that inhibits sucrase. 

It’s called Chromium, and multiple studies found it brings out the full power of L-Arabinose. That’s because when combined together, they reduce the blood sugar peak up to 4x as much as L-arabinose alone. 


Harvard Medical School also did some studies on Chromium...  And they discovered it safely lowers blood sugar levels and improves insulin sensitivity … AND that your body is unable to burn fat at the cellular level without it. 

And of course, this all happens with no side-effects. 

Then our lab partners suggested we add a powerful plant called Gymnema Sylvester. This is also known as gurmar, which is a Hindu word that means “the sugar destroyer.”

Modern studies have shown gurmar to possess powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antiviral, and even anti-cancer properties. But most important to you … 

Gurmar balances your blood sugar naturally, and even eliminates sugar cravings. It’s also been shown to revive inactive beta cells, which you need to put high blood sugar completely in the past.


Now, this may surprise you, but we also included cinnamon and Vitamin D...

That’s because in studies, cinnamon has shown to enhance beta cell function and lower insulin resistance. It also promotes healthy blood pressure, and aids with digestion. 

And the Vitamin D is important if you have high blood sugar. That’s because Vitamin D is a key nutrient that allows your cells to respond to insulin. So if you have low levels of Vitamin D…

Your cells literally can’t respond to insulin. That’s why ANY solution that claims to support healthy blood sugar needs Vitamin D.

Then, before we finalized the Glucea formula…

We also included Green tea, which is known to be great for your metabolism, and triggers similar effects as High-Intensity-Interval Training … But without exercise.

We also added Teacrine, a natural ingredient that in studies improved energy, reduced fatigue, and sharpened focus and concentration. 

And Theobromine, a powerful ingredient in cacao beans that protects your kidneys and lowers LDL “bad” cholesterol.

Plus, Siberian Ginseng, a powerful type of ginseng that also supports healthy blood sugar levels. And lastly, thiamine ... 

Studies have found that people who don't have enough thiamine tend to always have high blood sugar.

Together, these ingredients create a complete formula to support your healthy blood sugar levels all day.

No more hard-to-resist cravings ...

No more sugar overload …

And no more sugar panic in your body that turns it into fat.

Once you get your hands on Glucea, it will be a turning point you’ll always remember. A smart choice that changed your blood sugar, your health, and your life forever. 

If you’re ready, I urge you to take action right now.  Since the release of Glucea, interest in my sucrase-buster has built into a frenzy, and pharmaceutical companies have taken notice.  

Because they KNOW it is better than their Wegovy and Semaglutide that is flooding the market today.

And they HATE that.


If there is a natural product like Glucea that threatens their drug sales, even if it’s safe, natural, and better, they have been known to use their power to blacklist the ingredients. 

During my research, I found out that this happened last year with something called NMN. It’s a form of Vitamin B3 with incredible power as an anti-aging supplement. And it had been sold as a safe and natural supplement for close to 30 years. 

But last year, a pharmaceutical company added NMN to one of their drug candidates. And just like that, it was removed from the shelves at stores everywhere. 

The year before that it was N-Acetyl Cysteine, or NAC, another anti-aging supplement. A pharmaceutical company wrote a letter, and within weeks, NAC had disappeared from shelves everywhere. 

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from the opioid crisis … Big drug companies and the FDA care about one thing only:


That’s why it’s smart to act right now. 

There’s no way to know when Glucea could be pulled from the shelves – just like other products before it. Not to mention – it’s sometimes difficult to source the ingredients for our formula. 

We use the highest-quality, most pure and bioavailable form of our ingredients. 

And since we launched Glucea, we have been selling out fast and putting a strain on our supplier to send batches faster.

Thankfully, we still have bottles in stock. 

And while they’re the most powerful solution to inhibit sucrase, and support healthy blood sugar levels … Our formula won’t cost you an arm and a leg. 

Normally, the cost of high blood sugar management is staggering when you add up hospital visits, medication, long-term disability and care.

In fact, the American Diabetes Association tagged the annual cost of high blood sugar at $9,601 per year person. That means over 10 years, $96,010 could be taken out of your pocket. 

And for that high cost, you STILL have a high blood sugar problem. 

Instead, the 11 ingredients in Glucea can effectively squash your sucrase enzymes… And get rid of your high blood sugar.

Now, my goal is to get this in the hands of as many people as possible. So right now, you’ll pay less than 80% of the normal cost. In fact, a 6-month supply of Glucea won’t cost you $1,000... 

Or even $500. You can pick up Glucea for just $29 a bottle. 

While most companies mark up their products 5, 8, even 10 times the cost to make it, I don’t feel that’s right. 

Most people don’t have an extra $2,000 or $3,000 just laying around each month. And that’s why we went all-out to make Glucea as reasonable as we could. So you can cut cravings for sugar and carbs, get rid of sugar once it hits your body… And finally lose stubborn fat. 

We receive hundreds of emails a month from people who’ve never felt better.  They are free from fatigue, and enjoy energy levels that make them feel 20 again. 

Their legs and feet are pain free and back to normal.

And their friends and family can’t help but comment on their stunning figures.

They look great in any piece of clothing. 

Yes – even the itty-bitty bikini that’s been stashed at the back of your drawer for the last 15 years. 

And they smile every time they look at a restaurant menu … 

Because they are free to eat anything they want. 

That’s why I can’t wait for you to get started. 

When you get rid of sucrase, you get rid of high blood sugar. Once that happens, all you need to do is sit back and watch as your health gets better and your body gets slimmer. 

Glucea offers you a chance to do exactly that.

And with the substantial savings you’re being offered, the decision is easier than ever. I hope you take action soon.  However... 

When we placed our first bulk order for Glucea, we had no idea we’d get such a positive response. Once people saw the studies, and heard the many stories of success, we got a flurry of orders that almost wiped out our entire stock. 

Most folks selected the 6 bottle option. That means we’ve run out of bottles even faster than we thought we would. 

That’s why I recommend you start right now, and place your discounted order now. 

Of our thousands of satisfied customers, here’s what a few have to say about Glucea:


Natalie E. from Oregon said …

“My cravings are gone. And I have lost 17 pounds so far. This is the real deal sugar eraser.” 


Paula K. from California said…

“I love not feeling the urge to snack all the time. I was eating so much junk, it was killing me.  And now with Glucea, I’ve gone from prediabetic to eating less and looking my best in years.”


And Jamie T. Washington said…

“I wish I had this years ago. It has changed my life in so many ways. So easy to use and works so fast.” 

With the success people have seen, I recommend you start with at least three bottles of Glucea. Because the second month is when things really start to change.

In month 3, you’ll stop worrying about your blood sugar entirely. You’ll feel better than you have in years. And you’ll be free from the worry and guilt that has kept you company for years.

When taken longer, things get even better in month 4, 5, and 6. That’s when most customers see stunning results. And you lock-in the biggest savings we can offer you. 

Sure, with that discount we’re barely breaking even. But we’re not Big Pharma. We don’t have shareholders.  And we don’t have to worry about stock value. We can set our price as low as possible. 

And each time I read a positive review, or see one of our delighted customers rave about their results on social media … I know I made the right decision.

Our manufacturing lab is one of the best in the country...

And we also offer 24 hour customer support and give you free shipping too.  Just choose the option that’s best for you, and our warehouse will immediately send your order. Because I know this is important to you.

There’s nothing worse than ordering a package, only to forget you’d ordered it by the time it gets to you. 

Not to mention, the sooner you start with Glucea, the sooner you can stop your sucrase, and shut off your body’s sugar faucet. Remember … L-arabinose safely binds to the sucrase enzymes in your gut. 

This prevents sugar from being broken down, absorbed and stored as fat. 

And when you add the other ingredients in Glucea, this effect is magnified. 

And that means the worry and fixation on high blood sugar can also pass harmlessly from your mind. 

And speaking of peace of mind …

When you order Glucea today … 

Whether one bottle, three bottles, or six…

You’re covered by our 100% money back guarantee for 60 days.

back any bottles you have (even if they're empty). And our support team will immediately return your money to you. 

This way, your purchase today isn’t really a purchase at all. It’s more of a refundable deposit to see the best blood sugar levels you’ve had in years. 

Most companies limit their returns to just 30 days. Because they don’t want anyone to try it for 2 months… And then decide they don’t like it. But, that’s actually the idea. 


We’re so confident that you’ll love your results, that we’re happy to guarantee your supply for a full 60 days. That gives you 60 days to experience the magic of Glucea. And 60 days to make a final decision about your refundable deposit. 

For so many people better blood sugar is just the beginning...

Both men and women, big and small, old and young, of all different backgrounds have loved the changes they’ve felt, and see in the mirror.

Once the dangerous sugar is removed from your blood, every other part of your body will work better. 

Here’s what a couple more people said…


Kara M. from Michigan said…

“I got it to help regulate my blood sugar. Which it did. But it also helped me drop 21 pounds.” 


And Ron J. from California said…

“What a blessing Glucea has been. The effects of high blood sugar were literally killing me.  This took it all away.” 

Your mirror will no longer be something you avoid. 

You’ll love having your picture taken. Because your trim, fat-free body will be a source of pride. Your friends and family won’t understand the new radiance that shines from your face. 

You’ll turn heads everywhere you go, with an easy, unshakable confidence that both your inner health  and your outer appearance is clean and healthy. 

I can promise you, this transition is not hard, complicated, or even something you’ll have to work at. 


With the tools Glucea will give you, your body will do all the work for you.

You’ll feel joy and freedom every day of your life. 

I’m so glad I no longer worry about my health. 

I was in such bad shape.

And something needed to change.

So, in a way, I’m glad for that embarrassing moment at the party. It was my rock bottom moment that helped me turn my life around.

And now you have the opportunity to do something about the sucrase that is poisoning your body. 

The source of the nightmare that has been your life with high blood sugar and weight gain. 

So now it’s time. It’s time for you to put high blood sugar where it belongs: out of your life. 

All you have to do is choose your discounted package and complete your order on the next page.

Your payment details and personal information will be kept totally confidential. We use the latest 256-bit, military grade encryption to protect our pages and your privacy. 

So when you place your order, the only thing that will show up will be a charge from “CLICKBANK,” the secure payment processor we use. And they process over 100,000 secure transactions each day. 

Remember, you’re not making a no-return payment now.  You’re making a refundable deposit that we can return anytime over the next 2 months. 

The only risk you have is that you leave this page, and are unable to receive either the significant savings or product at all, the next time you visit. 

It takes just seconds to place your order now and secure your health and your future.

Soon, Glucea will arrive at your door. And from that moment, the sugar monster will be switched off so that sugar no longer floods into and sticks to your body. 

As your body experiences its newfound freedom from sugar, you’ll be filled with an energy that’s been missing for years. You’ll feel clear of mind, and free from the relentless cravings that derailed all your attempts to get healthier and thinner. 

You’ll feel light on your feet, and aches and pains that have bothered you for years will become less and less noticeable. 

And all of this will happen as your body works tirelessly to burn away the unhealthy fat that has held you hostage for so long. 

This all happens when you are set free of sky high blood sugar. Which for so long has kept you at risk for dangerous health complications. 


Right now, you have a decision to make ... 

You can continue to feel frustrated, pressured, and hopeless in your situation.

And watch it get worse. 

So that every time you feel a tingle in your toes, or a stabbing in your legs, you have a mini panic attack... You’ll wonder if it’s diabetic neuropathy.

Which happens to nearly 50% of people with diabetes from high blood sugar. 

Or maybe it’s the threat of a heart attack or stroke that keeps you up at night.  A heart attack could send you to the hospital … or worse … Forcing your loved ones to wait on you, hand and foot, for the rest of your life. 

Or you can reply now and stop the flow of sugar into your body. All the while, shutting down your cravings so that your body can finally heal. 

All this with just one click. 

All you need to do is choose your discounted package below, and take the most important step of your life.

A step that puts you on your last choice, the right path ...

This is the path that gives you your life back.

A chance to feel happiness and total freedom about your life.

A chance to wake up each day and feel strong, energetic, and powerful.


A chance to see big, toothy grins from your kids and grandkids because you can be present in their life.

A chance to mute the near-endless stream of advice from people on what you should do about YOUR problem.

It’s the chance to feel like yourself again – like you did in your 20’s when your body looked great and worked for you … instead of against you.

And now it’s your turn.

Click on your preferred discount package, fill in your details, and begin your journey towards the new, happy, healthy you. 

And I look forward to hearing about your success with Glucea. 

Today presents a unique opportunity to address the sucrase in your gut head-on.

The source of the nightmare that has been your life with high blood sugar.

90 Day Supply

3 Bottles

Glucea 3 Bottles



Total: $149.97



180 Day Supply

6 Bottles

Glucea 6 Bottles



Total: $239.94





30 Day Supply

1 Bottle

Glucea 1 Bottle



Total: $69.99
